Friday, February 3, 2012

Lakeland Tourney in Milford Times

A reporter for the Milford Times wrote an article about the tourney.  I was quoted, so was my Mom.  You can read the article here.  Milford Times Lakeland Tourney Article

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why show Super Bowl ads early?

Lately, companies like Audi, Honda, Pepsi, and others have been showing ads that they plan to show on Sunday during the Super Bowl early on YouTube. Not just teases, the full ads themselves.

What exactly is the reason behind this? Hype buildup? Or would it cause the interest to be lost come Sunday?

Audi, for example, has been showing it's "vampire slaying" ad on TV past midnight lately, meaning that whoever has seen it at that time already knows what happens.

Me? This makes no sense whatsoever.